fuzzyeyeballs 2.0

Redscale vs LB

What happens when something that some call bizarre … is paired with something else that’s pretty bizarre? It’s Lensbaby meets redscale film! My first attempt in using the Lensbaby Composer on my el-cheapo EOS88 SLR and a roll of Lomo Redscale negative film. Was too lazy to make a roll of redscale for this purpose, so decided to use the roll of redscale that a friend gave me to try it out.

I know I’m supposed to copy out those backlog entry photos for my Lensbaby Diary and update my blog … but … but … I was just too eager to scan these to take a look.

Very happy most of them turned out pretty well. Luckily I found a -3 eyepiece correction diopter lens for my EOS88, otherwise I’d never be able to manually focus using the Lensbaby on it.

Colors from the redscale film seems a bit crazy, depending on lighting condition.

A conclusion … LB VS RS = FUN!!!

So now should I go settle my outstanding Lensbaby Diary entries, scan 2 other rolls of xpro slides, scan 2 rolls of double exposure exchange I did with a friend from the US or … just go get some rest? Damn. I really need more time in my life now. Argh!!!!!!

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